Credible biodiversity impact with effective stakeholder engagement.

Boosterra, the Biodiversity Credit Platform.
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Partnering with innovation leaders. Forum Member of the Biodiversity Credit Alliance.
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Navigate with confidence in the voluntary biodiversity credit market

Boosterra is your compass in the biodiversity credit world.

Access reigorously selected high-integrity bioiversity credits

Compare them based on standardized parameters

Find and match impact to your strategy


Commmunicate with authentic content

Engage your audience with real stories. Boosterra empowers clients to get as close as possible to their supported communities and habitats.

✅ Raw media assets, pictures, videos

✅ Social media starter package

✅ Impact newsletter


Translate your impact to comprehensive indicators.

🌍 Tell your story with facts based on hard data.

📊Indicators aligned with reporting frameworks and global targets (TNFD, CSRD, ESRS, GBF, SDGs)

🛒Translated to product/service level (e.g. per product sold).

Trust and safety

Transparency and integrity are foundational to a healthy biodiversity credit market. We understand the importance of ensuring your biodiversity investments directly contribute to positive environmental outcomes. That's why we constantly improve our trust and safety framework to vet projects, maximize impact effectiveness, and mitigate risks.

Buy biodiversity credits

Boosterra original - Kis-Tisza project vision
8 ha

Global Biodiversity Targets:

2: Restoration, 3: Conservation, 4: Extinction, 8: Climate change, 22: Solutions / Inclusion

SDG Targets


$ 0.00 USD
El Globo Cloud Forest Habitat Bank
345 ha

Global Biodiversity Targets:

3: Conservation, 4: Extinction, 22: Solutions / Inclusion, 1: Managing strategic areas, 2: Restoration, 8: Climate change

SDG Targets


$ 40.00 USD
Colombian Amazon
71,500 ha

Global Biodiversity Targets:

3: Conservation, 1: Managing strategic areas, 9: Social / Wild, 11: Social / Nature's contribution, 22: Solutions / Inclusion

SDG Targets


$ 5.00 USD

Use biodiversity credits to embed nature in your products and services now.

Start your nature-positive journey with Boosterra.


Our passion is to accelerate the sustainability transition

At Boosterra, we are driven by the conviction that every small action holds immense power when amplified by the right tools. The shift from extractive linear practices to regenerative and circular systems is the monumental challenge of our time. We understand that human prosperity is inseparable from the growth of life on Earth. With this vision in mind, we established Boosterra to hyper-scale efforts in safeguarding biodiversity as the invaluable legacy for future generations.

Nándor Érsek-Obádovics

Builder and strategist. An expert at blending innovation, technology, and business for a sustainable future.

Gábor Vágó

Green policy expert and agile leader. Gábor is mobilizing resources and driving change through strategic partnerships.

Dr. Sarolta Várszegi
ESG reporting and compliance

Corporate lawyer and ESG compliance expert. Sarolta plays a pivotal role in building our sustainability reporting capabilities.

Áron Gajárszki
Sales and partnerships

As seasoned sales manager and green banking expert, Áron is devoted to make Boosterra’s clients succeed.

Zoltán Békés
Entrepreneur and sustainability enthusiast

A successful entrepreneur with a passion for nature restoration initiatives, plays a crucial role in guiding Boosterra towards a viable impact business.